Hait: Preparointiveitsen terät

High-quality scalpels are available in durable, autoclavable models for repeat procedural use or in disposable forms to provide an economical cutting tool. These small and extremely sharp bladed surgical instruments made with stainless steel or carbon steel are ideal for anatomical dissection. Scalpel handles are sold separately with some models featuring graduated measurements in millimeters and centimeters. Sterile disposable blades are ideal for cutaneous surgery such as shave biopsy, saucerization of flat lesions, and leveling of pedunculated lesions. Stainless steel models are also available for superior cutting performance and a high degree of resistance to corrosion and ease-of-use.

High-quality scalpels are available in durable, autoclavable models for repeat procedural use or in disposable forms to provide an economical cutting tool. These small and extremely sharp bladed surgical instruments made with stainless steel or carbon steel are ideal for anatomical dissection. Scalpel handles are sold separately with some models featuring graduated measurements in millimeters and centimeters. Sterile disposable blades are ideal for cutaneous surgery such as shave biopsy, saucerization of flat lesions, and leveling of pedunculated lesions. Stainless steel models are also available for superior cutting performance and a high degree of resistance to corrosion and ease-of-use.

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Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: These stainless steel blades are thicker than a standard blade thus offering additional rigidity and strength when used in conjunction with the unique Cygnetic ® stainless steel handle.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (SWAN0326)
Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: The stainless steel No. 3 or 'baby' stitch cutter is used in conjunction with the No. 3 surgical handle.
UOM: 1 * 100 Items

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Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Blades made from carbon steel for use with craft tools.

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: A versatile and comprehensive range for morticians and pathologists for use in autopsy, histopathology and general post-mortem procedures.

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Stainless steel.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (SWAN9942)
Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: This custom designed surgical stainless steel Silver's blade has a 11/2 inch (4 cm) postage stamp size cutting edge to be used with the Silvers miniature Skin Graft Knife handles.
UOM: 1 * 10 Items

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Sterile and non sterile scalpel blades made from carbon steel or stainless steel.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (SWAN2102)
Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: The sterile stainless steel Myringotomy blade is used in conjunction with the SF1 or SF13 Fine surgical handle in the treatment of 'Otitis media' or 'Glue ear'.
UOM: 1 * 10 Items

Tuoteluettelon nro: (SWAN2001)
Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: This sterile stainless cervical biposy blade is used in conjunction with the long stainless steel Major handle to take a 'cone' biopsy from the tissue in a woman's cervix. The tissue sample can then be analysed to assess the prescence of malignant and non malignant carcinoma cells.
UOM: 1 * 10 Items

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: These Sabre blades made from carbon steel feature a 'closed' cutting edge for 'paring' or 'scraping' which makes them ideal for use within Podiatry and Chiropody treatments.

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Stainless steel. The 158 mm skin graft blades are used in the surgical removal of a patch of healthy skin from one area of the patient's body, usually the buttocks or inner thigh, which is then transplanted to another.

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: These Dermatome blades are fitted into a handheld instrument which resembles an electric razor. The blade oscillates and the movement back and forth will "evenly" skim off the surface layers of skin. Electric Dermatomes are preferable for cutting thinner and longer strips of skin with a more homogeneous thickness.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (233-0053)
Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Stainless steel. Originally developed for use with skin grafts, these blades are also suitable for a wide range of other applications.
UOM: 1 * 20 Items

Toimittaja: RSG
Kuvaus: Scalpel blades, Ruostumaton teräs, No. 14, Tuotteelle: Handle No. 11, Scalpel blade

Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Hiiliterästä.

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Toimittaja: SWANN MORTON
Kuvaus: Ruostumaton teräs.
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