Hait: Pyöröhaihduttimet

Rotary evaporators remove volatile solvents from non-volatile reaction samples through evaporation. The overall solvent removal rate is increased by reducing the pressure and rotating for even heat application to surface area. This is not only the quickest method, but it eliminates the chance of overheating as the solvent is collected into the flask. The rotary evaporators feature adjustable knobs for precise apparatus positioning, rotation speed, and temperature of water bath.

Rotary evaporators remove volatile solvents from non-volatile reaction samples through evaporation. The overall solvent removal rate is increased by reducing the pressure and rotating for even heat application to surface area. This is not only the quickest method, but it eliminates the chance of overheating as the solvent is collected into the flask. The rotary evaporators feature adjustable knobs for precise apparatus positioning, rotation speed, and temperature of water bath.

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Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Hei-VAP Industrial large scale rotary evaporators for enhanced vacuum control standards and for maximum safety.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (HEID518-46100-00)
Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Hei-VAP industrial - performance plus package.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Tuoteluettelon nro: (HEID518-41100-00)
Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Hei-VAP Industrial - All-round Package.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Tuoteluettelon nro: (HEID591-61210-00)
Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: For high-performance distillation with the best separation performance, suitable for most solvents (A1 version), also when processing foaming media (A2 version): Version with adapter for Hei-VAP Industrial with glassware of the A series (A1, A2).
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

New Product

Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: This is a basic chemical laboratory instrument suitable for evaporation, distillation and separation of chemicals. It can be used as a multifunctional system in combination with a vacuum pump, vacuum controller and refrigerated circulator to provide excellent distillation solutions in many laboratory applications.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: The Hei-VAP ultimate, precise setting of rotation speed and heating bath temperature on the digital touch display or for quick access during an active process directly via the knobs on the operating panel.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Suuret haihduttimet, 20 L.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Precise setting of rotation speed and heating bath temperature on the digital touch display or for quick access during an active process directly via the knobs on the operating panel.

Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: This is an essential instrument for use in chemical laboratories for efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation. It offers an excellent distilling solution in a wide range of applications.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Adds numerous smart features to the Hei-VAP Ultimate, as well as an overview of all parameters and the current process.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: These evaporators are equipped with proven smart details such as Easy-Clip, patented clamping sleeve, lift stop to limit immersion depth and universal 5 L heating bath.


Tuoteluettelon nro: (531-1453)
Toimittaja: IKA
Kuvaus: The RV 10 auto pro V-C Complete package is the complete solution for your rotary evaporator set-up. In addition to the rotary evaporator RV 10 auto, the package includes the four litres HB digital heating bath, the VACSTAR digital vacuum pump and the RC 2 lite recirculating chiller.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Toimittaja: IKA
Kuvaus: Kuumennushauteella varustetun pyöröhaihduttimen etupuolella olevat ergonomiset säätimet tekevät käytöstä helppoa ja turvallista.

Toimittaja: IKA
Kuvaus: These entry-level evaporators are ideal for all standard evaporation applications in universities and research laboratories. The functions of the RV10 control have been extended and improved to enable fully automatic distillation: With automatic boiling point determination, an integrated solvent library and the option to connect a speed-controlled vacuum pump.

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Hei-VAP Expert Control rotary evaporators allow central control of all process parameters: Vacuum, cooling temperature, rotation and heating bath temperature. The units have separate knobs for quick access: Right for direct vacuum control, the left one for rotation has a lock function to prevent accidental adjustment

Toimittaja: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Kuvaus: Universal heating bath accommodates water or other bath fluids allowing for temperature settings up to 180 °C. Receiver cassettes protect against threat of glassware breakage.

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Alkoholi ja käyttöluvat: Asiakkaalla on oltava kyseisessä toimipaikassa voimassa oleva lupaviranomaisen (Valvira) myöntämä alkoholin ostolupa tilaamilleen tuotteille.
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