Hait: Ace Method Development Kits

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Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® HILIC method development kits offer all three Avantor® ACE® proprietary HILIC phases (HILIC-A, HILIC-B and HILIC-N) in one kit. These phases offer alternative HILIC selectivity to each other, and have been developed to enable chromatographers to achieve reproducible and successful HILIC separations using a systematic approach to method development.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

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Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Solve U/HPLC method development challenges systematically and efficiently using Avantor® ACE® columns and ChromSword 5.1 Lite method development software. The Avantor® ACE® ChromSword Method Development Kit includes six alternative selectivity Avantor® ACE® phases, a copy of ChromSword 5.1 Lite offline with a six month activation licence and a lot of technical information and support.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximize selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness. A complete range of kits for all requirements is available, including porous, solid core, HILIC and bioanalytical 300 Å column kits. These kits group together the essential column chemistries for method development and are available in a wide range of column formats.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximize selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness. A complete range of kits for all requirements is available, including porous, solid core, HILIC and bioanalytical 300 Å column kits. These kits group together the essential column chemistries for method development and are available in a wide range of column formats.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® Method Development Kits (MDK) are designed to maximise selectivity, offering a powerful and reliable approach to UHPLC/HPLC method development. Based upon an ultra-inert, high efficiency silica, Avantor® ACE® phases incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design, providing chromatographers with more choices for alternative selectivity, without compromising stability or robustness.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (MDKA-2-7503U)
Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: ACE 2 ADVANCED MDK, 75 X 3.0 MM 1 * 1 Each
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Toimittaja: Avantor
Kuvaus: Avantor® ACE® HILIC-B columns have been designed specifically for HILIC applications and are especially useful for the separation of polar analytes. These columns are part of a suit of 3 proprietary HILIC columns (HILIC-A, HILIC-B and HILIC-N) developed to enable chromatographers to achieve reproducible and successful HILIC separations using a systematic approach to method development.

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Tämän nimikkeen varasto on rajallinen, mutta sitä saattaa olla sinua lähellä sijaitsevassa varastossa. Varmista, että olet kirjautunut sisään, jotta voit nähdä varaston tilan. Jos call näkyy yhä ja tarvitset apua, soita numeroon (09) 8045 5300.
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Alkoholi ja käyttöluvat: Asiakkaalla on oltava kyseisessä toimipaikassa voimassa oleva lupaviranomaisen (Valvira) myöntämä alkoholin ostolupa tilaamilleen tuotteille.
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