Hait: magnetic hotplate stirrers

Rugged and compact magnetic hotplate stirrers are ergonomically designed and provide uniform heating surfaces. Powerful, microprocessor-controlled motors and magnets deliver reliable and consistent stirring of the immersed magnetic stir bar. Robust heaters bring samples to the desired temperature quickly and efficiently. Certain digital hotplates and magnetic stirrers are equipped with independent LED displays for temperature, speed, and time, and enhanced electronics regulate heating and stirring and store last used settings for repeat procedures. The low-profile design of many of these magnetic hotplate stirrers makes them easy to store and fit into fume hoods.

Rugged and compact magnetic hotplate stirrers are ergonomically designed and provide uniform heating surfaces. Powerful, microprocessor-controlled motors and magnets deliver reliable and consistent stirring of the immersed magnetic stir bar. Robust heaters bring samples to the desired temperature quickly and efficiently. Certain digital hotplates and magnetic stirrers are equipped with independent LED displays for temperature, speed, and time, and enhanced electronics regulate heating and stirring and store last used settings for repeat procedures. The low-profile design of many of these magnetic hotplate stirrers makes them easy to store and fit into fume hoods.

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Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: Compact stirrers with a ceramic glass plate provide excellent chemical resistance. Units feature digital error code display, a 'hot' top indicator to warn users that surface is hot, a fixed safety circuit that shuts off the heater if temperature rises above 550 °C, and three operating modes to choose from (standard, safe and adjustment protection). Stirrers have a speed display scale and optional capability to connect directly to a PT1000 temperature sensor; when using this functionality, control accuracy in the medium is ±0,5 °C.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (442-1098)
Kuvaus: Magneettisekoittajissa on alumiiniseoksella pinnoitettu kuumennustaso, joten lämpö jakautuu tasaisesti. Ne kestävät hyvin kemikaaleja, ja niitä käytetään laajalti tutkimuksessa ja tuotekehittelyssä sekä teollisuuden ja yliopistojen laboratorioissa.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Tuoteluettelon nro: (442-0185)
Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: Sekoittimet, Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, VWR®, EU-plug, VMS-A, Levyn materiaali: Ruostumatonta terästä, Enimmäissekoituskapasiteetti, H₂O: 10 L, Nopeusalue: 100 - 2000 min⁻¹
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: Designed for applications requiring exceptional accuracy, stability, and repeatability these magnetic hotplate stirrers are equipped with superior heating and mixing capabilities. With temperature ranges up to 500 °C and stirring speeds reaching 1600 rpm, the VWR® magnetic hotplate stirrers are equipped to handle any research, academic and industrial application. Available in two sizes.

Tuoteluettelon nro: (444-0638)
Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: VWR® Professional hotplate stirrers are designed for applications that require exceptional accuracy, stability and repeatability. Enhanced microprocessor control offers an external resistance thermometer (RTD) probe option that delivers superior temperature control of the sample. Stirring function, with continuous duty motor and powerful magnet, maintains set speed even under changing load or viscosity. Touch pad controls with easy to read, independent LED displays for temperature, speed and time, allow operator to view all settings at once. Rear housing features a built-in support rod holder with locking knob that accepts the supplied probe kit.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Environmentally Preferable

Kuvaus: AREC 7 series hotplate stirrers are designed to provide safety, reliability and the highest heating and stirring performance. The resistant ceramic square top ensures temperature homogeneity, thermal efficiency and a durable heating performance over time.

Kuvaus: Powerful digital hotplate stirrer that features a 10 cm (4") ceramic plate and guarantees precise thermoregulation of the media, high safety and maximum reliability. The AREC 4 Digital has an aluminium body and technopolymer housing, it offers precise temperature control, advanced stirring and heating performance, improved safety features, and ease of use. The compact footprint makes it an indispensable solution for laboratories with limited bench space.

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Kuvaus: Magnetic hotplate stirrers with resistant die-cast housing that protects the internal parts. The control panel is protected from spills thanks to the run-off groove. A white LED with black background display and a set of icons provide precise settings and clear readout of the working conditions.

Toimittaja: VWR Collection
Kuvaus: VWR® Advanced magnetic hotplate stirrers are designed to deliver accurate and repeatable results in all research, academic and industrial applications. With temperature ranges up to 500 °C, and stirring speeds reaching 1600 rpm, VWR® magnetic hotplate stirrers provide proper mixing and superior temperature control. Available in three sizes and a choice of two top plate materials.

Kuvaus: Magnetic hotplate stirrers which connect effortlessly to the VELP Ermes cloud platform via secure Wi-Fi allowing monitoring of and control of the hotplates at any time. Software updates are immediate, allowing full benefit of software improvements. Reports can easily be created and shared allowing trends to be tracked and users to enhance accuracy and reproducibility.

Kuvaus: Powerful digital hotplate stirrers that features a highly resistant 26 cm (10") square ceramic plate, ideal for laboratories requiring a spacious working surface. The AREC 10 Digital offers advanced stirring and heating performance, ensures precise temperature control, maximum reliability, improved safety features and ease of use. The unit has an aluminium body and technopolymer housing.

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Kuvaus: Magnetic hotplate stirrers, designed to provide optimal heating performance, reliability, and exceptionally long product lifetime. Different models to fulfil any laboratory requirement, from basic applications to precise thermoregulation.


Tuoteluettelon nro: (VELPF20500670)
Kuvaus: Robust hotplate stirrer featuring a 10 cm (4") square ceramic top, designed to meet the demands of everyday laboratory applications. The AREC 4 is the entry-level ceramic hotplate stirrer with an aluminium body and technopolymer housing.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Tuoteluettelon nro: (VELPF20500680)
Kuvaus: <p>Analogue hotplate stirrer, equipped with a 177,8 mm square ceramic plate, safe and reliable, designed to deliver excellent heating and stirring performance for basic laboratory applications.</p>
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Tuoteluettelon nro: (442-2378)
Toimittaja: IKA
Kuvaus: Lämmittävä magneettisekoittaja mahdollistaa erittäin lyhyet lämmitysajat, siinä on sisäänrakennettu lämpötilan säätö, ja se soveltuu valvomattomaan käyttöön. Laitteessa on standardin DIN 12878 mukainen liitin kontaktilämpömittarille (esim. ETS-D5), joka mahdollistaa tarkan lämpötilan hallinnan. Laitteessa on mm. suuri magneettiteho, elektroninen nopeuden säätö ja digitaalinen virhekoodin näyttö.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Toimittaja: IKA
Kuvaus: Lämmittävissä magneettisekoittajissa on ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu lämpölevy, valkoisessa malleissa taas emalilevy. Kaikkia malleja on helppo käyttää, ja niissä on säädettävä turvalämpötila (50 jotta 370 °C). Teräs-kupariseoksesta valmistettu lämpölevy lämmittää nopeasti 600 W:n teholla.

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Alkoholi ja käyttöluvat: Asiakkaalla on oltava kyseisessä toimipaikassa voimassa oleva lupaviranomaisen (Valvira) myöntämä alkoholin ostolupa tilaamilleen tuotteille.
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